How to Hang Floating Shelves in 6 Easy Steps
Floating shelves are a great way to add storage and style in any room of your house. They're also really easy to install! Read on for the 6 steps you need to hang floating shelves, from start to finish. Step One: Select Shelves First, you need to decide what size floating shelves to get. To do this, measure the width of your desired shelf and add about five inches...
How Floating Shelves Work?
Floating shelves can be a great addition to any home. They're popular because they provide an easy way to add storage and display space without the need for furniture or floating them on top of your existing cabinets. However, floating shelves may seem like a difficult project, but installing floating shelves is actually very simple and straightforward. Let's go over how floating shelves work so you can get started with...
Is Floating Shelves an Option for Book Storage?
Floating shelves are a great way to store books in your home. They're easier to install than a large bookcase and they can be placed anywhere in the room without taking up any space on the walls or floor. You just need to make sure that you anchor them securely into place by screwing through them from behind drywall, or using toggle bolts if there's only wood framing underneath it....