Why do my floating shelves sag?

When it comes to floating shelves they are a popular way to display your favourite items without taking up valuable floor space. However, floating shelves sag over time and can even fall off the wall if you don't take care of them properly. The hardware that holds floating shelving units in place is essential for ensuring safety, but it also limits what you can do with your floating shelf once it starts to sag. In this article, we will discuss why floating shelves have a tendency to sag and how you can combat this problem by investing in quality hardware from the start!
The floating shelf hardware that you choose to install your floating shelves are essential for ensuring safety. Hardware can also limit what you can place on the floating shelf unit because it isn't meant for heavy objects or large loads. If your floating shelf sags over time, then this means that either: a) The weight of the items on your floating shelf exceedsThere are a few different ways you can make sure your floating shelves don't sag over time. Some helpful tips include choosing high-quality floating shelf hardware, installing floating shelves with a support beam in your wall (rather than using drywall alone), and keeping the weight of each floating shelf unit light. By investing in high-quality floating shelf hardware from the start, you can help prevent sagging shelves that could lead to slipping objects or damage on your walls.
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